YURI!!!! >:3c

Hazel's Manga Reviews!

I started reading a fuck ton of yuri manga not so long ago and I wanna share them. Some of them are the slightest bit spicy so this page is 18+.

Don't take the ratings too seriously. They're completely based on my opinions and even subject to change for ongoing manga or ones that I haven't finished reading but still wanna put here :P

All of the images open a page where you can read each manga, so go ahead and click them if they seem interesting :3 Most of them are on Mangakalot, but I recommend using other websites, namely Dynasty Reader or Mangadex. We mainly use Mangakalot because they have a shitty ios app. In some cases, the amazing scanlators will leave notes for where to find them elsewhere.

Disclaimer: I don't support incest or pedophilia practiced or explored in any case except in fiction or between consenting adults.

Also check out my Reading List bcs I worked vry hard on it. Well mostly it was just super tedious.

      Looking Up To Magical Girls

      Rating: 5/5!

      This makes me, ,,so fuckin,g horny,,, I NEED girls to do this to me and for me to do this to other girls but less so,, Reading this sent me into a multiple day spiral you have no idea,.

      I do have a shiny new magical girl hyperfixation/kink (I can't fucking tell) (No it's definitely at least a kink,,,)

      This was sitting in my reading list 4 fucking ever and they announced it's getting an anime like 2 months ago??? ,,fuck,,,,,,

      About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl

      Rating: ?/5

      I keep forgetting how much I want to read this and it is the cruelist thing.

      Binetsu Kuukan

      Rating: 5/5!

      Not yuri unfortunately, Incest, you know the deal

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Karaagetarou's Works

      Rating: 5/5!

      Consider this an act of mercy, for if I were to put every one of there works that I enjoy on here, it'd take up so much space. Instead, I leave you with this.

      School Zone (Ningiyau)

      Rating: 5/5!

      I added this to my little (not little) list of manga to read after watching a youtube video about it. I don't remember anything about the video but it definitely is worth that sorta praise! All the characters sparkle like gems in a jewlery box *nod nod*. The yuri gets a bit teased out, but I don't mind! Every chapter is so entertaining!!

      I Want to Trouble Komada-san

      Rating: ?/5

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Mai-Chan No Onee-San Shiiku Gohan.

      Rating: ?/5

      working on descriptions, be patient!


      Rating: 4/5

      I have a kink for armpit hair now X3 It's a good fanfic, just sayin. I had a pretty good time overall, but the much later chapters get pretty dull (which makes sense since the authors had no idea they would be going for so long). :3

      While I was reading this, I kept finding more and more yuri to read, but I kept reading! I had to see this fucking creature of a girl learn to function.

      I Favor The Villainess

      Rating: 5/5!

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Be Careful, Onee-San.

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Katabami-San Wants To Get Sucked By A Vampire.

      Rating: ?/5


      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Yuri Is Forbidden For Yuri Ota?!

      Rating: ?/5

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Dungeon No Osananajimi

      Rating: ?/5


      I am patiently waiting for updates like a good girl :>

      The Big Stepsis Who Wants To Be A Big Sister Vs. The Little Stepsis Who Wants To Be Yuri

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon, incest

      o.o >///< O.O goooooosshh!!! aaa!!!! mrew!!!!! useless sisters,,,,h,haaa,,,

      My Tsundere Childhood Friend Is Very Cute

      Rating: ?/5


      hasn't updated for a bit :/

      A Succubus Yuri Story

      Rating: 4/5

      CW // lolicon

      My bunny wife doesn't remember it, but this was totally an anime we watched together in high school or whatever. At the time I just sorta thought it was weird but now it's hot as fuck?! The story itself is written kinda weird but I like it, even beyond nostalgia =w=

      A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night ; Failed University Exams, I am Trash and Life is Hard, so I Tried Calling an Onee-san at Night

      Rating: 1/5

      Hey, leave me some space! Well, I stopped reading it and don't plan to go back because they skip over the yuri sex and cut back to the girl's parents nagging the poor girl about school. I've had enough of that.

      My Stepsister Who Says Go Die Go Die To Me Every Day, Tries To Hypnotize Me To Fall For Her While I Was Sleeping...!

      Rating: ?/5

      WARNING: NOT YURI, also incest

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      After Kissing Many Girls, I Became a Yuri Kisser...

      Rating: ?/5

      Heyy umm, hey,, there's this craaazy curse on you ,,and its like super strong,, so,,,dont panic uhh,,,, i jus, just need to kiss u,,,,,, is all,,,,

      Updaaaate! Updaaaaate! *bang bang bang bang!!!* (me banging on the doors of the scanlators' discord server (that's not a bad idea actually (as long as they need a redrawer...))) Updaaaaaaaaaate!!!


      Rating: 3/5

      I haven't finished reading this one. Ahh I remember my first time with yuri too. (This joke is funny because I believe the author doesn't usually draw yuri and this is their first time)

      Can also be found here for some reason.

      Hello, Melancholic!

      Rating: 5/5!

      I got the first chapter of this for christmas X3 I was surprised how quickly it ended but I definitely prefer it this way. They, mostly, told the story they wanted to and it got wrapped up with a cute little girl-coloured bow. purrrr

      I want money to buy more girl mangaaaaa uweeee,hgg,g, ,,aaa,,,,mrewwwww

      Hino-San No Baka

      Rating: 5/5!

      One of my all time favourites!!! I even got bunny to read it by squeeling and kicking my peets so much but aaaaaaa!! i cant help it >w< !! cant recommend it enough mrew!

      (psst! We've helped scantlate for this manga!)

      (They haven't been letting us help lately,, mrewww they keep cleaning the new chapters before I'm even awake...)

      The Wolf In Love And Mille-Feuille

      Rating: 4/5

      It's neat! Not really my speed is all. Too many proper nouns for me, but ehhhh they're in german so it's kinda cool,,,,

      thye also ssuck each other,s blod,, ,blood,,,,,, which iss good,,,,,,,, girls do tha,t,, ,,,,

      Adachi To Shimamura

      Rating: 2/5

      The first chapters have this really juvenile feeling like this is just how highschoolers act with love and each other. At least it’s how I did so it feels really nostalgic.

      It gets REALLY BAD part way through though. It ticks pretty much every box for bad yuri: shitty love triangle, nothing happens until the end of a volume for fake drama, the characters become one-dimensional, other characters kinda just get forgotten about and stop showing up, etc. It's so grating. Some of the cringey stuff helps that juvenile feeling but this much of it just feels poorly written.

      Can also be found here but I don't know the difference. I also think it's on Dynasty Reader but I don't wanna look for it sorry :3

      The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady

      Rating: 5/5!

      Wow wow! I love the world building and all the girls in it!! I wish they kissed more, but maybe they kept the yuri down so it could get an anime.

      Misc notes: As always, the isekai part can be taken out and the story would be better for it. Tilty (our headmate!!) seal of approval. Also it has a fucking anime so uhh why aren't u watching it???


      Rating: 4/5

      A bunch of great little yuri stories! I tend to be kinda iffy on the anthology type manga but idk I like this one a lot. Part of that is how 3 of the chapters actually are the same story so it isn't actually like that? I also rly like the one chapter with the ghost girl :3 And the chapters after that, and the ones before... oh >< purrrrrrrrr

      pro tip! Skip the first chapter. It's the same exact thing as the last chapter which is a continuation of the chapter before it. jus trust me <3

      The Girls' Arcadia

      Rating: ?/5

      haven't finished somehow

      working on descriptions, be patient!

      Brides Of Iberis

      Rating: 3/5

      ??? I don't really like it. It would be much cuter and sexier if the main girl's husband was turned on by getting cucked and they actually frickin talked to each other?? i dunno. Yuri and polyamory 4ever!!!!

      Her Elder Sister Has A Crush On Her, But She Doesn't Mind

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon, incest

      wowowow!!! omigoshness!,, they,re sisst,ers,,, like,, me n big sis,,,,,

      Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon, incest

      OMG! MEEE :O I'm like that!!!,,! I ,,l,love my sister,,,, hh mrew

      Anemone Is In Heat

      Rating: 2/5

      Title is such bait

      This and Whispering You a Love Song and Can't Defy The Lonely Girl are pretty much indistinguishable in my mind. Honestly, I don't remember anything that happens in this at this point.

      I realize this joke kinda falls flat but just remember this when you read the desriptions I put on those manga and imagine you read them in the opposite order. thankies!

      Fusoroi No Renri

      Rating: 4/5

      I don't like how the older one consistently hits her abuse victim wife. guhhh. Don't worry too much though because there are other girls that have a lot of chapters dedicated to just them. and theyre all rly cute n i rly like their tattoos its hot hhh

      Can't Defy The Lonely Girl

      Rating: 2/5

      This and Whispering You a Love Song are pretty much indistinguishable in my mind. Nice start. Cute girls. Very boring.

      Tyra & Cera

      Rating: 2/5

      Can I eat you? Sorry. It's cute, but I can only read the same joke so many times.

      Hey, can I eat you now? See? It's already wearing on your soul and tearing apart your moral fiber and I've only said it twice.

      Social Anxiety Vs Yuri

      Rating: 4/5

      This one is just a bunch of single pages that all end with girls hitting on each other which is unironically how I wish my life was like. I do look like that when I get embarrassed.

      Witch Guild Fantasia

      Rating: ?/5

      Seems really cool but I don't recommend getting into it unless you know Japanese. Meaning, they haven't been translating it for a long time and don't plan on translating the rest as far as I can tell.

      Met My Sister On A Dating Site

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon, incest

      Yuri between sisters is indomitable

      Mochi Au Lait's Short One-Shots Collection

      Rating: 3/5

      If you like these, I definitely recommend checking out Mochi Au Lait's other works :3 A lot of them are kinda short so I didn't feel right putting all of them down, but I do think they're worth reading.

      Whispering You A Love Song

      Rating: 3/5

      I thought the first chapters were rly cute! but after a bit it got kinda grating. like, none of the characters are that interesting anymore and it feels like it's only still going on because their editor is forcing them to. Still rly cute :3

      Sorry But I'm Not Yuri

      Rating: 5/5!

      If u are reading this and u are a girl, you should drink this tea I made for u ehehe~ Hahhh I'm jk. :( I don't have any black market love potion or any tea... What a shame. Oh I know! You can come over anyway n we can kiss,, or somethign,,, i dunno,, ,,,

      omigosh!! it's getting updates again and the new chapters are,,fcuking, cute!?!?,,,! woaw wow,,h

      Yuri Is My Job!

      Rating: 3/5

      Not nearly enough kissing >:( It’s just so much needless drama that would be solved if they learned how to talk to each other already. Even when things do start working out there will always be a character who gets upset and practically tries to ruin it for everyone else. aaaaaaaa! It's getting an anime if you're into it but dang I am not.

      I'm still reading every update like a ravenous creature but I choose to be a little grumpy about it.

      Take Responsibility For My Stomach!

      Rating: 3/5

      CW // fat shame :<

      I'll start reading cooking manga once we have an actual kitchen and I don't think I'm starting with this one...mrewww

      Yamada To Kase-San

      Rating: ?/5

      haven't caught up on it but looks really cute

      I Am Not A Succubus

      Rating: 4/5

      vry lewd >///<

      gahhhh I want them to update it so bad. This manga maybe single-handedly gave me a harpy kink and an egg-laying kink and fuck I don't even know what else. The art looks kinda weird but why should I care? I'm justa bird-brained little harpy,,hha flap,,flap,flap,,,,

      Cat Maid And Mistress

      Rating: ?/5

      I'm also a cat maid so this appeals to me :3

      Never read much of it because of how short the chapters are and the way this stupid app shows u ads every next chapter ugghh.

      Legally Married Yuri Couple Book

      Rating: 3/5

      It's nice! Itou Hachi's animal girls always are so not very surprising.

      Liar Satsuki Can See Death

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // death, gore

      A little different than the rest of these given that there's really not much romance, but it makes up for it by being cool as fuck! Mostly it's the main girl running around saving everyone from crazier and crazier deaths but it's got this really cool detectivey layer where she has to figure out how it all happens first. Btw when I say crazy I mean it. It's got me hooked! It's one of the manga I'm most looking forward to updates for. :3

      The crazy girl who almost burns someone to death just to watch them struggle is fucking HOT.

      The Sheep Princess In Wolf's Clothing

      Rating: 4/5

      Love between animals is stronger than any other. Trust me. :3

      I see no better oppurtunity to do this than right now. Mrreow! :3 mew! meww! mew paw paw paw murrreow :3 hehe purrrrr myew :O mrreow meow!meowmeow meow purrrrrrr =w= meww!

      pussy from a girl who barks

      Sayuri-San No Imouto Wa Tenshi

      Rating: 4/5

      CW // incest, lolicon

      I feel like I've seen something with a story or at least an ending like this before but I can't remember what it is.

      Itou Hachi needs to stop making me cry! I'm just a little kitty, hmph >:T Besides this and Goshujin-Sama, they do a lot of anthologies which I've been meaning to get around to. I do really like stories told this way though.

      Asumi-Chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels!

      Rating: 5/5!

      hhhhholy shit I have to go make an 18+ thing now but this shit is too good to not put here.

      Alright I'm done doing that now. :3 This makes me remember when I was being corrupted and makes me wanna go corrupt a bunch of other girls. >:3c They have good sex every chapter it's so great.

      Update. Update or I will kill a girl and drink her bloodddd.

      Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It

      Rating: 4/5

      CW // landlords

      This is a chubby girl zone :3

      Some pretty big red flags, which I'm sure are kinda unavoidable with landlords in any scenario. Power imbalances like this are super fucked up irl. The rest of the manga is so cute that I kissed my wife really hard a lot of times so maybe some crimes can be forgiven.

      Swap Swap

      Rating: 3/5

      The main thing I don't like about it is they teased poly-girl-makeout-time for like the whole thing and never delivered.

      It's probably one of the most apparent form of a thing a lot of yuri seems to do where all the girls steadily get paired off with each other and never leave their little boxes. It does make for nice and cozy fluff but it is kinda boring. Really fucking nice fluff sometimes, but boring, even with girl kissing magic included.

      Goshujin-Sama To Kemonomimi No Shoujo Meru

      Rating: 5/5!

      CW // lolicon

      I'm also a fluffy little maid //w//

      It makes me really happy to read characters who respond to trauma kinda like actual people. It's messy, but fluffy girl cuddles can cure all, with time. Also, the ending made me cry multiple times so its like rly good

      Goukaku No Tame No! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon

      Rating: 5/5!

      !!!POLY GIRLS!!!

      I read this around the time I finally started dating more than one person and ommggg this shit made me kick my peats around like a little kitten!! ///w///

      bunny seal of approval